Downtown Fargo will be at the epicenter of two significant celebrations this weekend. Tonight, Thursday, May 7th, a flood victory party will be held in the US Bank plaza from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. It will feature live music from the Front Fenders, Post Traumatic Funk Syndrome and Tucker'd Out, the trio that wrote a tribute song for the flood (view a performance of the song here). A beer garden will be available and Mayor Dennis Walaker is lined up to do a toast. Plus, if you haven't heard, there will be free beer. Be sure to stop by the HoDo for Amanda Standalone and the Pastry Shop Girls beginning at 9 p.m.
Friday, May 8th, downtown will be an excellent place to shop as many stores and boutiques will be open late and offering discounts. See individual stores for details.
Saturday, May 9th, the downtown area will a primo spot to view the running of the 2009 Fargo Marathon. The race will come through downtown four different times, so take the chance to have coffee, breakfast or lunch outside as the race goes by. Bring a chair and camp out your spot or, if you prefer, watch from our rooftop! We will open Sky Prairie, our rooftop patio, for the first time this year, giving you a bird's eye view of all of the marathon action.
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