Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Celebrating National Poetry Month - Kevin Carollo

Kevin Carollo kicks off our National Poetry Month reading series with an evening of wry and witty verse. He teaches world literature and writing at Minnesota State University Moorhead and has published poems in Conduit, Court Green, Cranky, Lungfull!, and elsewhere. He is the winner of Cream City Review’s 2009 Beau Boudreaux Poetry Prize, judged by Arielle Greenberg. A regular contributor to Rain Taxi Review of Books, Kevin has also translated two novels from French.

Kevin infuses his poetry with animal imagery, words like "gazillion," and the tasks of manipulating the world into something that can be confidently understood. He reads this Friday, April 10th, at 7 p.m. in Stoker's in the Basement. There is no cover and the reading is open to the public.

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