Face it, folks. The much-maligned mustache is staging a comeback. Not only is it coming back but, contrary to popular belief, it's also a force for good.
We're asking men to grow a lip warmer during the month of November while raising money for the Prostate Cancer Foundation and generating awareness of men’s health issues. Participants will start clean shaven on November 1st, then grow their mustache over the course of the month. All men - and women - can join a team of coworkers, friends or family and get in the fun by gathering donations. This local effort is part of the global “Movember” fundraiser with participants throughout the United States, Australia, Europe and Canada (“mo” is Australian slang for a mustache).
We're spearheading the local effort and will host the all-ages Fargo Movember party, Bros on Broadway, on Sunday, November 30th with prizes for local fund raising groups. We will also award prizes for the best mustaches and ... wait for it ... costume/mustache combinations. Who would you be? Magnum P.I.? Borat? The Stranger (above)?
Find out more or register your team and team members at
www.movember.com. Also, tell us about your team here at the HoDo so we can track your progress. You can reach us at 701.478.1000 or via email at info@hoteldonaldson.com. Keep tabs on the local Movember fun through our
Facebook page.
Why do this? Part of the answer is a lack of awareness about the health issues faced by males. Also contributing to the problem is an attitude of having to be tough "real men" and men's reluctance to see a doctor about an illness or to go for regular medical check ups. The aim of Movember is to change this attitude, make men's health fun by putting the "Mo" back on the face of fashion and in the process raise some serious funds for key men's health issues.
Get your team together today!