Not so long ago when Nintendo's eight-bit masterpiece, the NES, ruled the universe, it was hard to sell your parents on any redeeming value of video gaming. Some helpful studies came out claiming that video games improved hand-eye coordination, but this "improvement" coincided with the outbreak of ADHD. Parents were not impressed. But, the 21st century has brought us many wonderful exceptions to this stale model of video gaming. "Dance Dance Revolution" and "Guitar Hero," for instance, have forced quantum leaps in the integration of physical activity and gaming.
Enter the Nintendo Wii. It has catapulted into our zeitgeist as the ultimate example of childish fun mixed with a total body workout. For that reason, we chose to put one in our hotel fitness room for use by our guests.
We think the Wii adds an irreverent dimension to the workout routine for our guests ... or is simply something fun to do between check in and dinner. When you stay here, be sure to give it a try.
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